Catherine Rayner Inspired Bunnies Art Project

Catherine Rayner is a British author and illustrator of children’s books. You’ll know her work from books like Ernest the moose who doesn’t fit, Augustus and his smile, Harris finds his feet and many more! This project celebrates her work and style to create this bunny, modelled after Harris’ large ears. It is done in a directed drawing style first, then painting after.

Timeline: 40-60 minutes


  • Pencil

  • White paper (I used legal since we want it to be tall so the ears will fit)

  • Sharpie

  • Tempera paint pucks/watercolour paint (black, brown, pink)

  • Paintbrush (thinner and thicker options ideal)

Steps - directed drawing:

  • Start by drawing a raindrop shape in the middle of the page for the head.

  • Add two eyes.

  • Towards the bottom of the raindrop shape, make a nose by drawing a Y then join the top to the bottom with a rounded line. Add a few whiskers.

  • Create a body with two rounded lines on either side of the head going towards the bottom of the page.

  • Draw two large ears. They can be straight up line mine in the sample or they could be large and floppy. If doing straight up ears, add a section for the inside of the ear.

Steps - painting & details:

  • Once you have completed your drawing, start with the lightest parts of your painting first.

  • Start with the pink nose and inside of the ears.

  • Next paint the brown bunny.

  • Finally paint the black background.

  • Once your painting has fully dried, draw on the eyes and the whiskers.

Below are examples of Kindergarten student projects


Spring Cherry Blossoms Art Project


End of the Rainbow Finger Painting Art Project