10 French Books For La Rentrée

Back to school means lots of new books to share. Here are a few of my picks that will serve you in many important discussions. I believe all of these titles are available in English as well as in French.

Bienvenue! Un livre sur l’inclusion

This book celebrates our differences and aims to make sure that everyone knows that they’re welcome here.

By: Alexandra Penfold & Suzanne Kaufman

Tout le monde!

Another book about our differences and how they make us unique. Everyone also has similarities, like how we all feel feelings.

By: Elise Gravel

Notre classe est une famille

This is a great book to start your year with as we all aim to create positive and supportive classroom communities. A look at what makes a family, and it’s not just about who lives in your house.

By. Shannon Olsen

Le cercle de partage

A story about sharing and working through conflict together. Written by a Cree/Danish/Métis author.

By: Theresa “Corky” Larsen-Jonasson

J’ai le coeur rempli de bonheur

This book reminds us to remember and appreciate the little things in life that fill our hearts with joy.

By: Monique Gray Smith

On ne mange pas ses camarades de classe

A story about a dinosaur who isn’t quite sure how to make friends at school. It’s a silly story that will have your students laughing.

By: Ryan T. Higgins

Les écureuils qui se querellent

Rachel Bright books have a way of bringing animals to life with their human problems. In this story, two squirrels are fighting and must figure out how to resolve their issues together.

By: Rachel Bright

Est-ce que les girafes dansent?

All this giraffe wants to do is participate in the Jungle Dance but his long legs and little hooves make dancing challenging. He learns that he has a unique way of dancing that makes him special.

By: Giles Andreae

Je raffole de l’école!

What’s more primary than a Robert Munsch book? This is one of his newer titles that features Cassandra, a girl that LOVES school and sends her parents into a worried frenzy when she doesn’t come home from school.

By: Robert Munsch

Enfin, te voilà!

This little rabbit is so excited that you’re finally here! You’ve taken an awfully long time so he’s determined to make you stay. While not about school specifically, it’s a nice welcome back story.

By: Mélanie Watt


My Grade 2/3 French Literacy Block Schedule


Orthographic Mapping In French Immersion