Fraction Peacock Math & Art Project

Fractions are all around us, and can even be used in art. This is a fun cross-curricular project to link your math studies in with an art activity. The fraction peacock is essentially circles that are cut into pieces, then arranged into a peacock form.

**I’ve typically done this as a group activity, step by step since it can get really confusing for those who are not so strong with their numbers.

Time: 30-40 minutes


  • White paper for background

  • Construction paper circles *

  • Fine tipped Sharpie or black pen

  • Scissors

  • Glue


  1. PREP: Before starting, I pre-cut the circles with a 3inch punch. You could have students draw their own circles but the idea is that fractions are equal parts so a hand cut circle, may not be so great. Alternatively, you could print circles on construction paper and have students cut them out themselves.

  2. Students need to choose 5 colours. For one of the colours, take 2 circles, so they’ll need 6 total. Save the two same colour circles for the end.

  3. Make the feather base: Fold one of the circles into quarters. Now, cut out one of the sections, leaving 3/4.

  4. Make the body/head: Fold another circle into eighths and cut apart. Use three pieces to make the body like a triangle and turn one piece sideways for the head.

  5. Make feathers rows 2 & 3: Choose two colours and fold them into eighths, cut apart. Take six pieces from each colour. Arrange the first colour around the feather base, three on each side. Slightly tuck the end under the last row. Next, arrange the second colour on top of the last row. Again, tuck the edge under the last row.

  6. Make feathers row 4: You should have two same colour circles left. Fold both circles into quarters and cut. You will need seven pieces. Arrange six of these feathers as the last row behind the others. Lastly, add one 1/4 feather to the top of the peacock’s head.

  7. Add your fractions: Using the fine tipped pen, write the fraction of each section (1/4, 1/8, 3/4).

  8. Add details: Using the pen, add details like eyes, feet and crown.


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